
We count on you!

Roqe Media is a digital broadcast network of podcasts, video content and multimedia programming focused on the stories, conversations and issues that impact the global Iranian community. It is the first audio-visual network with a mission to create an encyclopedia of Iranian diaspora identity in English, and for a world-wide audience. It boasts over 13 million streams of its content so far, in less than three years of existence.

Roqe Media is an independent platform and is not affiliated with any particular parties or interests. Our activities and content are all funded via crowdsourcing, which is why your support is essential. Your generosity will ensure the mission to create an encyclopedia of Iranian diaspora identity in English can carry on, and foster another bridge to bring the dispersed and sometimes divided Iranian community together.

We are on a mission to build a new audio/visual encyclopedia of Iranian diaspora identity.
© 2022 Roqe. All rights reserved.